About me. Wedding & love story photographer Prague, Europe Elizaveta Gritsenko

About Me 

Hello! My name is Lisa, I’m 23 years old, and I’m a wedding and love story photographer in Europe! 

I started taking photos when I was 12 years old, after receiving a camera as a gift. I began by capturing nature, friends, and my mother. That’s how my journey began.

As I grew older, I realized that photography is not just about capturing smiling faces; it tells a whole story with its own values and energy. After this realization, I started taking my work more seriously.

I’m originally from Crimea. It was there that I gained popularity with my sunset photoshoots of beautiful couples. I developed my own style, which not only captivated me but also enchanted my clients! 

Currently, I’m a photographer in Prague. I work with amazing people, and I bring beauty into this world through my photographs, filled with warmth, individual stories, and life itself. My images speak louder than words!